Which biomolecule below contains hydrogen oxygen nitrogen carbon and phosphorous. Q w 11 E 20 T Y C 19 1 로 w 3 b 1 A S D F GS H 1 1 K - M N х C Ş V 3 в у IN alt.
Astarch Bglycogen Ccellulose Dchitin Eamylopectin.

. Carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and phosphorus arranged into two types of polymers. The following function Genetic Information belongs to which macromolecule. Terylene is produced by polymerizing ethylene glycol.
10 Which of the following polymers contain nitrogen. All of these answer choices are. Polymers containing nitrogen Watch this thread.
Which of the following polymers contain nitrogen. It is known as a longstrain polymer. The polymer that contains nitrogen is Chitin.
A starch B glycogen C cellulose D chitin E amylopectin Answer. Answered Feb 04 2021. Start new discussion reply.
Organic compounds containing halogens 102 Organic compounds containing oxygen 143 Organic compounds containing nitrogen 126 Polymers 117 Biomolecules 54 Chemistry in everyday life 80 Principles related to practical chemistry 3 Mathematics 106k NEET 78k Science 600k Mathematics 197k Statistics 20k Environmental Science. D RNA E None of the above. Correct option is B Proteins contains nitrogen.
Find an answer to your question Which polymers contain nitrogen. Carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen. Which biomolecule is fundamental to the structure and function of biological membranes such as cell membranes.
Polyesters and polycarbonates contain oxygen in the spine. -The reason these polymers are biodegradable is because they contain functional groups present in bipolymers and lipids which disintegrate by themselves during a certain period of time by enzymatic hydrolysis or by oxidation hence are biodegradable -Now we have to find out which polymer is biodegradable out of the given four polymers. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic shared by nucleic acids and proteins.
Announcements Stuck between two unis for your firm and insurance choice. Which of the following polymers contains nitrogen. Which of the following polymers contain nitrogen.
Nylon has amide linkages Nylon is used in making bristles for brushes in the manufacture of cords sheets ropes etc. Nitrogen in the reduced form is the major component of the three most important biological macromolecular structures. AThey form many intramolecular hydrogen bonds.
The molecular formula for glucose is C6H1206. They are large biological molecules or macromolecules consisting of one or more long chains of amino acids organic compounds composed of amine NH 2. Page 1 of 1.
Which biomolecule is composed of three basic elements. It is considered to be one of the most important biopolymers that can be found in nature right now. Plus phosphorous C H O N and P.
Carbon C Nitrogen N Hydrogen H Oxygen O Phosphorus P Q. Which of the following polymer contain nitrogen. Types of Synthetic Organic Polymers Organic Chemistry.
The molecular formula for glucose is C6H12O6. 25 Which of the following polymers contain nitrogen. Terylene is a synthetic polyester fibre.
Which biomolecule is composed of five basic elements. Terylene is a polymer containing nitrogen. What would be the molecular formula for a molecule made by linking three glucose molecules together by dehydration reactions.
A C18 H32 016 B C18 H10 O15. 1 Polyvinyl chloride PVC Polyvinyl chloride is mainly used for production and manufacturing of plastic materials. 26 Which of the following categories includes all others in the list.
The correct answer is A. Nylon is a polymer which contains nitrogen. I proteinspolypeptides ii DNA and RNA and iii polymers of amino sugars.
To make the chain you would need many links or -mers then you must chemically be hooked or polymerized together. A glycogen B starch C chitin D cellulose E amylopectin. Electronegativity of an atom _____.
Nucleic acids are very large macromolecules composed of repetitive units of the same building blocks nucleotides similar to a pearl necklace made of many pearls. 24 Which of the following is NOT a polymer. CThey can be chemically modified after they are synthesized.
Nucleic acids differ from other biomolecules in which of the following ways. Youll earn badges for being active around the site. Carbon hydrogen and oxygen and can be found in the form of unsaturated or saturated fats.
The function is to form a scaffold for the cuticles of the epidermis and also the trachea. A starch B glycogen C cellulose D chitin E amylopectin. Practice and Prepare For Your Upcoming Exams.
And carboxylic acid COOH. Organic compounds containing halogens 104 Organic compounds containing oxygen 148 Organic compounds containing nitrogen 128 Polymers 117 Biomolecules 54 Chemistry in everyday life 80 Principles related to practical chemistry 3 Mathematics 107k NEET 80k Science 655k Mathematics 223k Statistics 21k Environmental Science. А Starch B Glycogen С Cellulose.
Nucleic acids contain the same elements as proteins. All polymers are made up of. 5 of 5 IKK 2 3 5 Socrative ENG of 4 g RO pril W M 1 2 T 3 T T 4 MA 5 D 6 2 7 N 9 8.
In which Nitrogen is present in less quantity. What would be the molecular formula for a molecule made by linking three glucose molecules together by dehydration reactions. Of those nylons contain nitrogen atoms in the repeat unit backbone.
Go to first unread Skip to page. What molecules contain nitrogen. Which of the following polymers contain nitrogen.
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